• photography
  • vision
  • shadows
  • light
  • art


The very essence of photography might be perceived as nothing more than the reliance on sleek machines of technology to the untrained eye. It, however, couldn’t be more wrong. The beauty of photography is how distant, yet tied, it is to the concept of life.

Unknowingly, everyone is carrying their own set of lens everyday to craft their own version of the world. It might be a Prime- where one’s values exudes quality but remain rooted, without a possibility of change; Or it might be a Zoom- where one’s values are formed with an absence of a strong base, but are always open for their positions to be challenged and adapt to improve when necessary.

Likewise, the choice of one’s work can also be represented in the world of photography through a camera’s build. Some willingly take on the weight and burden of a higher hierarchical position, in exchange for the ability to directly provide quality contributions to the world, expending relatively more effort and sacrificing convenience. While others may choose a less taxing path, staying in a space where maintaining a satisfactory quality of professional work with minimal effort is sufficient, directing their energy towards their personal and family life.

Understanding the art of photography through the application of life’s concepts is ultimately what kept Allan at his craft. He is enthralled with how every shutter click represents a moment in life that one might never get back. He is also captivated with how the world around him quietens itself to isolate the moment when he looks through the viewfinder.

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